This week i started my second rotation, game design. I’m very excited about this rotation because i enjoy character design, and it’s involved a lot here. I’m not really considering going in to game art in the future, but i’m sure i’ll learn valuable skills here.
Our task is to create a character design for one of the seven deadly sins, starting with research and 8 rough silhouettes influenced by the research. I knew right away that i either wanted to choose sloth or lust, so i looked at these two sins in particular detail.
I started with general secondary research about the sins, to grasp an understanding of their origins. According to ‘psychology today’ (link, the sins are rooted in Christianity, and have gone through many different meanings and amounts of sins to become the 7 deadly sins known currently. Each sin was associated with an animal and a punishment; says that sloth’s animal is a goat and it’s punishment is being thrown in to a pit of snakes in hell, while lust’s animal is a cow and it’s punishment is burning in hellfire and brimstone. Each sin is also associated with a colour; light blue for sloth and regular blue for lust.
I also found out that there are specific demons associated with the sins; Asmodeus is a demon associated with lust, and Belphegor is a demon associated with sloth. By now i was leaning more toward sloth, so i looked more into Belphegor; according to, belphegor is a former angel, and a sinister demon who lures people into adultery and procrastination. He’s an unpleasant demon, often pictured with a gaping mouth, horns, leathery skin and sharp teeth.
I created a moodboard for the sin of sloth before starting on my silhouettes, to get some inspiration and ideas from other artists that would influence my design. I noticed that most things associated with sloth and the night time are round in shape, and use a variety of blues, greens and yellows.

-3 depictions of sloth as an anime character from manga ‘the seven deadly sins’ by nakaba suzkuki
-a depiction of sloth from the game ‘sweet sins’ (artist uncredited)
-a depiction of the sin of sloth from the movie ‘shazam’
-a depiction of belphegor from the dictionnaire infernal
-shutterstock ‘sleep symobls’
-creepy cute zombie doll by ares crea
-picture of a victorian posessed teddy bear (uncredited)
Finally, i started on my silhouettes. I thought of what i usually do while procrastinating; i usually stay in my bed with my phone or other distracting things. Because of this i wanted to portray sloth in pajamas, looking lazy and a bit out of it. I tried to avoid energetic poses; i avoided anything too dynamic, mostly going for yawning poses or more simple ones. I wanted to make my character cute, but i wanted to keep some of the demonic elements without them feeling out of place, so i added small horns and tails to most of my designs. i made all of my designs either feminine or more androgynous looking, because Belphegor would usually appear to humans as a young girl. I also gave some characters very long and large arms/hands, to represent the sloth animal a little. I contemplated adding snakes to my designs in reference of the punishment for sloth, but i avoided this because i feel like snakes are more often recognized as a symbol of envy, and i didn’t want an overlap of concepts. I also tried to include mostly round and floppy shapes in my silhouettes, because they feel less energetic and sharp than sharp lines and shapes.
There are a few features in paricular that i think i’ll carry over into my rough designs; i like the motif of clouds for the character, because they remind me of dreams and imagery associated with sleeping. i also like the moon as a piece of imagery, and i like the z-shaped tail i gave to some of the characters, as sleeping is often represented by the lettr z (zzz), and the tail corners contrast well with the rounder lines on other parts of the designs.

Overall i’m happy with my end result; i have a rough idea for what i’d like the character to look like, and i think it’s clear from looking at the image that i chose the sin of sloth. My next step will be considering what subtle details outside of the outline/shape of the character i can include to reference symbols associated with sloth in my design.