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Some quick re-designs


I decided to quickly redesign my backgrounds. I did this because of multiple reasons; firstly i they both looked very flat, secondly i couldn’t imagine characters walking around in the spaces since they were very flat, and thirdly because i just thought they needed to look more polished. While creating my storyboards i realized that the angle of the camera didn’t change much, and that was mostly because of me not knowing how to draw my flat backgrounds from different perspectives.

My first redesign was for the overall town of Allegroburg. It would’ve been really tedious to re draw all of the buildings, especially because they all had faces, so i opted for more simple building designs. I also wanted to draw the background from a perspective that would make Arnika’s house draw more attention, so i decided to put it in the front. I think it also draws more attention because it’s a) alone and b) the only building with a unique and different shape from the others. I added some characters in for some scaling reference, and i coloured it in using pro-markers instead of watercolour, to make it look bolder.
I referenced these two pictures that i took for another task while drawing my background. I liked the colours on the first image, and the sizes; there were some smaller pastel coloured buildings, and i thought buildings similar to these would work well in my background. In the second image i liked how attention was drawn mostly to the building on the left because of how close up it was, and how there was a perspective so you could imagine walking through the location pictured.
The second thing i redesigned was Arnika’s room. I liked how much personality the first one had, but it was very flat and i couldn’t draw it from more than one angle. Although this drawing still isn’t perfect, i think i was able to still capture Arnika’s personality and the fact that she’s a witch well in the room, and i can imagine walking around more in it. I think this re draw will help me to make my storyboard frames look more dynamic.

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