Homework task
Objective- to create a city/landscape out of A4 paper; no sticking things down (everything had to be moveable), had to fit on a sheet of A4 paper. Models should reflect on the qualities of the material (paper) we learned from the first lesson.
WIP shots/process;

My final work
‘Far beyond the waves, it is said that a magical castle made of solid ice stands solitarily. The few who have seen it claim that the spirit of a young girl haunts it, silently watching sailors as they pass with a stoic expression.’

Class work task 1
objective- To create a looping animation using 1 component of the model from the homework. We had to choose a word from a list as the theme of the animation.
my work
Class work task 2
Objective- create animations using our model cities; ‘deconstruct’ as the theme.
WIP shots

My work
What went well;
- I was able to think outside of the box and experiment with the possibilities of a piece of paper; It challenged my Imagination and I’m happy with my castle as a result.
- I feel that my pictures came out well, mostly because of the lighting. I can apply some of the things I did with the lighting here to other mediums of work, such as digital art.
- I was able to practice stop motion, which I don’t do often.
What could’ve been better;
- I slightly misunderstood the final task; none of my animations deconstructed the castle, they added things to it. They also didn’t loop.
- Could have experimented more with angles in my photography; getting closer/further would’ve added a sense of scale, and other angles could have been interesting.
What I’ll improve on;
- Ensure that I read our objectives properly and pay more attention so that I know what to do, ask questions if I’m unsure.
- Be more experimental with the composition of shots when I have to take pictures.