I started working on the changes in my animation after receiving feedback. The first thing I tackled was the animation tests, as Harmony had started to work for me again;
I also started to think about collaboration at this point. I approached a classmate and offered to help her with character designs, as I felt our styles were similar and that I’d be good at the task;

I designed the monsters with the references and palettes provided to me and my classmate was happy with them, completing my end of the collaborative element of the project. I was later contacted by a different classmate who liked the look of my project and offered to draw the backgrounds; I provided her with the sketches I had previously completed, and she designed them accordingly.

With all of this completed, there was one thing left to revise; My storyboard. I started off by drafting the storyboard roughly on paper, adding and removing scenes that I felt was unnecessary; I also felt that there wasn’t as much interaction between the two flames as I would like there to be, and so I changed some scenes to have them react to each other’s actions more, such as changing out the scene where Cyrus admires another candle through the window for him excitedly cutting his hair and being annoyed about wixly’s reaction. Here was the storyboard;