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Creating and finishing my cinemagraph


I have just finished my cinemagraph, and here i’ll document my process and thought process behind it’s creation.

To start, i took some pictures using procam X based on the rough storyboard i created. I used my research to find ways of separating the scenes of me in my room to the daydreaming scenes; i couldn’t edit my videos in the same way i edited the pictures in the previous post, but i found a filter that gave off the effect i was going for pretty well, so i used that instead.

An example of a daydream shot with the filter i found; it saturates the darker colours a lot. I also turned up the exposure to make the daydreams look brighter and more glowy.

where is my golden globe award

Here is my finished cinemagraph. I think i was succesful in creating the comedic and parody like atmosphere that i set out to achieve in the beginning of the project, through the kind of exaggerated facial expressions and poses in the video, along with the random scene changes and the cartoon esque sound effects. I used some short videos and still pictures rather than all cinemagraphs because there were some shots that i felt either looked better as they were or needed a little more movement than the cinemagraphs would provide. My cinemagraphs came out a little odd looking due to my hands shaking while taking the videos (it was cold and i was shivering), but i feel personally that it kind of added to the overall atmosphere of the video.

Overall, I had fun on this rotation. VFX was something i knew next to nothing about and I had never heard of or seen a cinemagraph before the rotation, so it was fun learning about a new way of working and a new form of art.

I think something i really did badly with on this rotation was time management. In part it wasn’t my fault because i had to buy a new laptop in the middle of the rotation, causing a bit of a delay in starting the project, but i also take responsibility for not experimenting with the software earlier and not watching the tutorials earlier, causing me to take even longer to star because i had to figure out how to actually make the cinemagraphs. In the future i’ll try to learn new softwares right away rather than trying to learn them only when i’m about to start using them. While i don’t think vfx is something that i’ll continue to use, it was fun and i’m glad i got to experiment with it a bit on this rotation.

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