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First homework task- drawing 6 objects


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 6-objects.png

For my first homework task, i had to choose 6 objects of importance to me and either draw or take pictures of them. I found this task challenging at first, because there aren’t many objects i could initially think of that were important to me; i’m not really sentimental and most of the things i use regularly are replaceable so i don’t feel any particular attachment towards them.

I started looking around my room for things that i might’ve put away and forgotten about, and i realized that there are a lot of things that are important to me, that I’ve kept hidden away. i don’t know if i did this subconsciously to keep them safe, or if i just forgot about them, but these things all hold value to me for different reasons.

Most of the objects i drew, for example the plushie and the 2 charms, hold value to me because of the reasons i got them. They were all gifts to me from people i’m close to, and the stories behind why i got them were more important to me than the actual objects themselves. I think even if i lost or broke these objects, i’d be happy with just the memories of why they were bought for me and who bought them.

I worked in my usual cartoon style for this piece, as i thought it would add some of my own character and personality to it, making it feel more personal. I also didn’t want to just have exact depictions of each object, because that wouldn’t be interesting to look at, so i wanted to give them some character by doing things like changing their facial expressions and enhancing their colours. While i’m happy with the end result, i wish i made the drawing a little more accurate by drawing everything a bit more realistically scale wise, because a lot of people had trouble figuring out what some of the objects were/ what size they were.

Overall i had fun with this task, it felt like a warm up leading to bigger things. It wasn’t too challenging but it did get me to think about what is important to me and why, which i think is a good thing to think over every once in a while because it can remind you of times where people showed you kindness, which can motivate you to move forward and have hope.

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