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2 week project 2- my chicken animation


Objective- to create an animation portraying an abstract connection between mankind and nature; ‘Observations of irrational relations between humans and nature’.

My animation

A chicken eating at a restaurant that serves human meat, with a casual/bored expression; what he’s doing is mundane and routinely for him. Comedic branding on the walls for a somewhat dark concept (killing and eating humans); role reversal between people and animals.

What went well;

  1. clear communication of my idea- I feel it’s clear what’s going on for viewers
  2. Line boiling- my first time using this technique (re drawing lines with every frame to make them wobbly), It looks the way I intended it too
  3. Mixed textures- a combination of drawing, My own photography and found images, I like the look of these differing textures coming together

What could be better;

  1. Duration- the animation was supposed to be between 5-10 secs, I went over this by 7 seconds
  2. Time management- I under estimated how long I could spend on this; It wasn’t fully coloured in time for the lesson

How I’ll improve next time;

  1. Give more time to complete it (I gave myself 2 days and it took 3; If I had started earlier I could’ve had it finished in time)
  2. ensure that I plan out the animation first (possibly through a rough animatic using keyframes) so that it meets the duration requirements

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