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Year 3 summer project- Pecha kuccha


For our summer project, we had to create a ‘Pecha kuccha’ presentation; a short and fast 5 minute presentation consisting of 3 images for 3 different ideas each, relating to themes we’d like to explore in our final major projects over the year. I’ll speak about my ideas here.

  1. The battle school! – ‘Join Miel and her equally awesome super powered classmates as they learn what is takes to fight the forces of evil at the battle school!… In time for maths class, of course.’ A cartoon series I’d like to develop for the future, following 4 young girls in a world where every living thing has super powers. Episodes would usually consist of a normal childhood experience with a superpowered twist, offering both relatability and excitement to young viewers. Collaborators needed would be background artists, animators and voice actors.
  2. The day I lost my face- A young girl awakens one day to find that she has lost her face. Searching for solutions online, she comes across a strange link; clicking it transports her to a strange world full of discarded faces, and she must find hers and re attach it in order to leave. While going through the faces, the girl slowly begins to learn that the one she thinks best represents her might not be accurate, and her true self may be uglier or more beautiful than she had known previously, depending on your point of view. Collaborators needed would mostly be animators, and people who can use a range of materials.
  3. Finger runner- A young man has lost his spark due to his daily 9-5 grind, seeing the world with a dull and boring hue. One day on a long car ride to a business trip, the boy begins to use his fingers to pretend they’re running on things outside of the window; slowly getting lost in his imagination, he goes on an adventure in his mind. Collaborators needed would be minor voice roles, possibly musicians and animators.

As of now, I like the third idea the most, but I’ll keep an open mind.

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